Going Solo MarriageCounseling plus Traditional and Guided

To Have And To Hold a strong and loving marriage is important for both couples and their families. Counseling is a way to achieve this.

Janice offers three models of marriage counseling to fit your needs:



Yes, you read correctly. This is an oxymoron that can save your marriage when only one wants to go. 

I hear from clients all the time. "My marriage is in shambles and falling apart, but my spouse refuses to come to therapy with me."  What to do??II

The answer is Going Solo Marriage Counseling and it works just fine.

Why Going Solo Marriage Counseling works:

  • the focus is on the relationship; not the individual;
  • changes made by one changes the dynamic of the whole;
  • when one person shows the way, it is easier for the other to join;
  • action is more meaningful than words.

Criteria for Success:

  • never, ever bad-mouth your spouse;
  • come to therapy with the intent to learn, and apply it at home;
  • no substance abuse, domestic violence or cheating involved;
  • both partners want to continue and work on their marriage.

Don't expect to spend the session venting how awful your spouse is. Save that for individual therapy. Going Solo focuses on positive strategies/tools that can be implemented immediately to strengthen the marital bond.

Traditional marriage counseling where both partners come to therapy sessions together.
Janice starts by asking each what they hope for by coming to counseling and how committed they are in achieving such. 
Next, equal time will be given for each to tell what is happening between them from their own perspective.
Then the work begins! Couples work as a team as Janice gives concrete strategies and tools to meet your goals for a strong, healthy and loving relationship.


In this model, we begin with an introduction to the program and what couples will learn using my book, Framework Marriage Counseling. Couples create their unique 'picture' within the 'Frames' as  Janice guides them through the 12 Frames towards a loving and happy relationship.

​Note: Clients  can change from one model to another at any time.

All Couples Clients (whether solo, traditional or guided) receive the Framework Marriage Counseling booklet; A gift for you to have and to hold on to.

For more information on these three models of marriage counseling, contact Janice at 408 596-4810 or jlshapiro875@gmail.com.




A peek inside

Frame 5: Validate: "...to validate is to acknowledge, understand and accept the other's experience and feelings."


TO HAVE is a promise to receive each OTHER with unconditional acceptance. ​

TO HOLD is a promise of physical affection and tenderness, a vow to be available in body and soul, a promise to cherish, value and protect each OTHER forever. 

Janice Shapiro, MA, LMFT California Lic #86051

Psychotherapist for Marriage, Individual and Family Happiness